Creative Bravery Festival 2021

the brave new world

The Creative Bravery Festival is the annual festival from the Creative Bravery Collective. It is co-created with young-people, educators & creative industries to celebrate acts of bravery helping transform and rethink the way we educate and learn.

Throughout the festival we explore the ecosystem of education with spaces for sharing provocations, challenges, insights while making new connections and experiencing “pockets of the future in the present”. This year our focus is on a brave new world, creating the call out for policy makers to #GetOnWithIt and sharing stories of people who have got on with it.

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Ground Trees
Creative bravery is essential when designing alternative futures as it allows us to act without permission, connect to people beyond our known spheres, and believe that anything is possible if you are willing to take the first step.

For a creatively brave new world we need to work collaboratively and at grassroots level. We need to create an environment where all those in the eco-system of education can come together in a democratic space to be creatively brave in their response to the challenges of climate change, meet the Sustainable Development Goals and reimagine the education system of the future.

This year COP26 will be held in Glasgow from the 1st - 12th November. We are delighted to be hosting a space at Glasgow’s creative and cultural fringe After The Pandemic @ COP26. Working alongside the LEGO Group, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and PechaKucha we have designed our first onsite Creative Bravery Festival experience. With exhibitions, talks, educational toolkits and performances, the fringe will RETHINK, REIMAGINE and REDESIGN communities and environments to be greener, more resilient, and more vibrant. This is creative bravery in action!

Throughout the week of the Creative Bravery festival, we will be supporting our two challenges - Human Habitat and #GetOnWithIt. These are a call out to schools, colleges and universities to be brave in their thinking and approach to climate change.

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