Welcome to the
speaker tent
Be inspired by others sharing their stories of creative bravery. Each speaker will provide provocations and challenge our perspectives. Listen, engage discuss and be inspired to take on your own creatively brave actions.
Explore the festival schedule
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Monday, October 4
Inner Bravery Space
Carbon Cafe
Play – why do we do it and why do we stop doing it?
Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Daydream Believers
The creatively brave process of making decisions differently
Maker Monday and the Brave Times
Speak Easy: The Evening Ruckus
Lets talk about trauma responsive practice.
Tuesday, October 5
Inner Bravery Space
Carbon Cafe
#GetOnWithIt – PechaKucha and Daydream Believers
Permission to Play?
Little Big Things - The Art of Getting On With It
Human Habitat Challenge - LEGO Group - Build the Change
Speak Easy: The Evening Ruckus
This much I know about love...
Wednesday, October 6
Inner Bravery Space
Carbon Cafe
Springhouse Regenerative Investment Model
Still Winging It?
Getting on with Performing: Reimagining Performance in Lockdown
High Rise - Beauty or the Beast?
Coffee and Conversation Campfire - Love chat!
Speak Easy: The Evening Ruckus
Thursday, October 7
Inner Bravery Space
Carbon Cafe
System change not climate change. The politics of COP26 in Glasgow
Global Social Leaders Youth Hub @ Creative Bravery Festival
Rediscovering Joy – journeys towards playful connectedness
Re-sourcing one of our greatest resources. Our educators.
Urban Crofting - Cultivating How We Live and Learn
Festival Finale - Come join us as we share the creatively brave sparks from this year's online festival.
Still Winging It?
During last year's Creative Bravery Festival I wondered about the merits of winging it and asked if we could add winging it to our toolbox of skills/experience/knowledge. My call for action was for us to try and:
• Wing it. Wing it with intention.
• Trust ourselves (our intuition, our skills & knowledge)
• Notice what happens (how the people around us react and how we feel.)
• Reflect on what happened (what role does control play?)
• Share our experiences
• Practice
I'd love to know if you have tried winging it in 2021 and what happened?